تاریخ انتشار: ۳ فروردین ۱۳۸۸ - ۰۰:۰۱
by killed and shot was man A -- (UPI) 23 March ,.Fla RIVER, CRYSTAL y dog, police a stabbed he after Monday ,.Fla River, Crystal in police , .allege authorities Sheriff's County Citrus by shooting the release a in said Police f then and dog a injured and stabbed man the after occurred deputies n .said Times (.Fla) Petersburg .St The deputies, the charged whose man, the apprehend to attempt an in used been had dog The .said officials released, immediately not was identity e stitches 30 receiving after attack the survived Mito, named dog, The t to expected is animal the said Times The .wound stab a repair to a .injury the from recover a by shooting the of scene the to called were deputies county The e reportedly was man The .area the in person suspicious a of report .arrived deputies when agitated acting in man the encountered had officers that release the in said Police not had individual the that and shooting fatal the to prior hours the a .said Times the threat, significant a pose to appeared