تاریخ انتشار: ۲۹ فروردین ۱۳۸۸ - ۰۰:۰۱
a on died who boy Australian an of friend A -- (UPI) 17 April SYDNEY, a give to forgotten had teacher school a that inquest an told bushwalk .device navigation GPS a student the onc died who Iredale, David that inquest coronial the told Chan Phillip q complained had ago, years two Mountains Blue the in bushwalk the n GPS the him give to forgotten had teacher a that walk the during d .Friday reported .Corp Broadcasting Australian the device, n Grammar, Sydney school, Iredale's whether on focused is inquest The .boy another and Chan Iredale, by taken bushwalk the of aware was searchinga while friends his from separated becoming after died Iredale .water for r in assisted had Forbes, Jim school, the at teacher a said Chan .walk the planning ... Forbes .Mr from GPS a get to arrangements made had David knew I" s speech on GPS the ... forgotten had Forbes that annoyed pretty was he this for it use to wanted we that knew Forbes .Mr that and ... day r .statement police 2007 February a in said Chan "bushwalk, particular . prior any have not did Forbes said have school the for Lawyers the before appear to scheduled is Forbes .plans boys' the of knowledge 7 .said report the week, next inquest