تاریخ انتشار: ۲ اردیبهشت ۱۳۸۸ - ۰۰:۰۱
its said exporter arms state Russia's -- (UPI) 22 April MOSCOW, coulds recession the warned but year, this steady remain would business o .lines supply affect group a of head Brindikov, Alexander said "stable, is situation Our" f .Rosoboronexport exporter arms advises that to equal year, this billion $7 reach to sales expects exporter The a .Wednesday reported Novosti RIA 2008, for sales billion $27 at valued is orders of backlog company's the Currently, e the with enterprises defense ؟ marketplace the in today" However, p to lead could this and most, the suffer cooperation of levels lowest t .said Brindikov "contracts, on defaults arms, although India, and China remain purchasers arms chief Russia's I armored and tanks battle helicopters, fighters, MiG including s .countries different 80 about to sold are carriers personnel offert would it said recently Rosoboronexport rolling, business keep To l also has company The .customers some to write-offs debt and loans e even and repairing upgrading, servicing, on emphasis its increased r .said Novosti RIA equipment, military decommissioning